What to know about advertising medical premises for sale or lease

Firstly – Make it relevant. Qualify the property.
Is it actually suitable for a medical occupants and what type of medical practitioner would it appeal to?
Make sure it is a horses for courses approach. For example, some aspects that would exclude a premises for some practitioners would be lack of disabled access, a first floor position without lift access, lack of parking, etc.Ask yourself why a Health practitioner would want to locate there – given that they often have the capacity and network to choose more than one option. If you are advertising a premises as “medical consulting” and it is on the first floor with no lift access, then it probably won’t appeal to a large percentage of practitioners as the limited access would preclude many of their patients.
Secondly – Time Frame. Be patient with your marketing campaign.
Understand that these transactions can sometimes take a considerable amount of time to achieve. When a specific group is targeted, the pool of potential customers is smaller, therefore enquiry is less. Also – Healthcare professionals are often time poor and will not always use the traditional pathway to purchasing or leasing healthcare property. Many of these transactions happen off market through their own practice manager, contacts and network.
Website advertising is key however advertising signage is still an effective enquiry tool, particularly for practitioners who are looking in a certain area.
For Lease
Many health professionals will prefer to buy rather than lease a premises. Leasing is achievable, but to gather interest you may consider using incentives to attract a practitioner to your premises. Often a rent free period and a fit out contribution are key points that will invite interest. These incentives are attractants to potential tenants when prominent in the advertisement.
For Sale
Make sure your marketing campaign is relevant. Target your marketing to the right type of healthcare audience. Different Healthcare professionals have different needs. So without being too exclusive try to understand who is the likely occupant and what type of practice that this premises would appeal to.(e.g. Dentist, GP or Specialist). Then market to that sector particularly but not exclusively of course. High quality photos and Floorplans a must.
Take advantage of advertising on www.medicalview.net.au
It is easy to use and anyone can register for this service.
written by Brenda Atkin
Principal www.medicalivew.com.au